Laraib Ali
From User: Hope this feature of importation of typography will be soon on happyscribe, it is really important in term of personalization for creators. Thanks!
Oana M.
under review
Oana M.
Merged in a post:
Enhance Font Selection and Opacity Adjustment
Kia Afshar
I'm finding the current font selection to be quite limited and small. I'd like to see a wider range of fonts to choose from. Additionally, I'm unable to adjust the opacity for the background of subtitles to low and high levels. It would be great if this could be made more flexible.
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Addition of New Font Family 'Poppins'
Kanzlei Booster
I find the current selection of fonts to be lacking in variety. I would like to suggest the addition of the 'Poppins' font family to the platform. This would provide more options for customization and improve the overall user experience.
محمد خلف
Mohamd dabus
Hello what exactly do you want
Maria Zenagui Glaili
Merged in a post:
More fonts options - Google Fonts
Frederic Lacassse Lacasse
Hi! Since it doesn't seem a priority for Happy Scribe to add a feature where we can upload custom fonts. Can Happy Scribe at least give us more font options like all Google Fonts ?
Jay Pandya
From User: Hope this feature of importation of typography will be soon on happyscribe, it is really important in term of personalization for creators. Thanks!
Video Inbox
We would like to upload our custom made company font.
Maria Zenagui Glaili
Merged in a post:
is it possible to add a different Font?
We need to use a free software font in our subtitles (Museo Sans to be more precise), is there any way to do it or is it impossible?
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