Aditya Saroj
Just as we can convert a transcription file to a subtitles file this would allow :
Alma Gómez
Sameer Khan
Sameer khan
abdelali roussmi
convert a subtitle file back into a transcript file
Mutong Shao
The transcription mode has comments and highlights allowing effective Data Analysis. As a student, I would be very happy to see this feature as I rely on the transcription mode to help me analyze my interviews. Sometimes I already have the subtitles and just would like to analyze and qualitatively code the Data, but after importing the vtt/srt files they are shown already as subtitles and therefore losing the comment&highlight features.
I'm currently trying to figure out how best to create a transcript from my .srt file too.
My workaround so far is to open Premiere Pro and use a plugin (Subtitle Pro) - I import the HS .srt file and then export a TXT file. I should be able to do that in HS though.
Mutong Shao
Trish: when you export the TXT files, can you import them back to HS to show as Transcriptions? In my case I would love to use the comment features for existing transcriptions. But when importing srt files to HS they are shown already as subtitles therefore disabling the comment feature. I wish there could be a workaround, unless HS opens up the function of converting subtitles back to transcriptions.
Maria Zenagui Glaili
Merged in a post:
Switch from subtitles to transcription
Jean-Charles Dormeux
Is there a way to switch from the subtitle mode to the transcription mode? It seems that once you're in the subtitle editing mode you can't switch to the transcription editing mode.
Maria Zenagui Glaili
Merged in a post:
Convert subtitle files to transcription
Shane Cassidy
Just as we can convert a transcription file to a subtitles file this would allow :
converting a subtitle file back to a transcription file.