Export subtitle file as consecutive text without breaks
It seems to be impossible to simply export the text of a subtitle file as a normal text without any line breaks. I'd like my text export to be basically a paragraph without line breaks, so one consecutive paragraph so that I can easily paste it into a program like Descript as Overdub text without prior massaging.
Hey Delf,
To automatically eliminate line breaks, use Text Cleaner: https://textcleaner.net/
Akash Ash
Canny AI
Merged in a post:
Copy Entire Source Transcript Without Line Breaks and Timecodes for CAT Tool Integration
We would like it to be possible to copy the entire source transcript without line breaks and timecodes so that it can be implemented in a CAT tool. This would enable us to considerably improve our workflow and consistency.
Currently, we can copy one subtitle at a time (which is a big improvement).
But imagine if the AI did a poor job of translation and the file contained more than 800 subtitles. That's a lot of copying and pasting.
Kiran Patil
It is lice and ok but it is copy all..
Andrew Moll
Hi Salim - Thanks for the feedback!
Which CAT tool are you using?
Andrew MollWhat IS a CAT tool?
Andrew Moll
Jeroen Computer-Assisted Translation (CAT) tool primarily for text to text translation. Some linguists and LSPs have a preferred tool and my not want (or be able to) use Happy Scribes!
Andrew Moll, I mainly use memoQ and SDL Trados. What I want is to be able to simply copy and paste all the source text without timecode into another MT such as DeepL to be able to make changes and avoid repeating certain words.
I mainly use MemoQ and SDL Trados. What I want is to be able to simply copy and paste all the source text without timecode into another TM such as DeepL so that I can make changes and avoid repeating certain words.